Story Book Dining with Snow White cover photo

Story Book Dining with Snow White and More

Story Book Dining at Artist Point with Snow White is a character dining experience at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge. And we’re trying it out with our daughter and some friends. See what makes Story Book Dining with Snow White an experience you don’t want to miss!

Planning Story Book Dining with Snow White

You have to reserve this character dining experience in advance. And like any Disney World dining reservation, you book on the Walt Disney World app or by calling. However, this is an experience that has limited availability. And if you’re not staying at the Wilderness Lodge, all of the resort guests will have availability to book before you. But you do have options.

Typically reservations get cancelled within the last couple weeks. So, you can look for availability every day or you can beat the odds. We signed up with a third party website named MouseWatcher to notify us when these reservations become available again. For a nominal fee, we had no issue booking Story Book Dining with Snow White. In fact, we were able to book multiple times to get the best time for 6 of us at 8:45PM. Initially we booked an earlier time. But after exploring Old Florida Attractions Just West of Orlando all day, we rebooked at a later time.

Getting to the Artist Point restaurant

For those driving to Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, you will need to show your dining reservation to enter the resort. And once-in, there is plenty of parking. After parking we walked toward the main lobby, finding the restaurant in the back on the left.

The check-in counter at Artist Point
The check-in counter at Artist Point

We were able to check-in a little early in front of the Artist Point restaurant. The check-in station is surrounded by framed paintings on the walls. This adds to the artist theme, though it looks much different inside.

Characters at Story Book Dining with Snow White

We get called around our reservation time, to head inside to our table. On the way in, we can see the Evil Queen standing against a backdrop. But we’ll talk more about her later. We also see some other characters in the room as we are guided to our table. And not long after our server gets our drink orders, the characters start coming around.

Grumpy at Story Book Dining with Snow White
Grumpy at Story Book Dining

The first character appears before our drinks arrive, and it’s the dwarf Grumpy. And he comes to see the kids first. They are both loving the interaction and he even signs their kid’s menus. We love how he shows off his grumpiness while still having fun with the kids. This is the only character greeting with Grumpy in all of Disney World.

Snow White at Story Book Dining
Snow White at Story Book Dining

The next character that comes to our table, is none other than Snow White herself. And she talks softly asking the girls questions and telling them stories. She even tells us about a dance she likes, and later on she leads a dance through the dining room.

Dopey at Story Book Dining
Dopey at Story Book Dining

The last character is also another one only found here. It’s Dopey, another one of the seven dwarves. He also interacts with the kids and signs their menus. Each character spends plenty of time at each table, except for the Evil Queen. We’ll get to meet her after dinner.

Story Book Dining Dinner

Story Book Dining at Artist Point with Snow White is an experience only available for dinner. And it’s a fixed price which includes shared appetizers, choice of entree and shared desserts. They also have separate kids and vegan options. Standard drinks like soda and tea are included. But you can purchase specialty drinks, cocktails, beer or wine for an additional cost. You can read more about it at: Story Book Dining at Artist Point with Snow White | Walt Disney World Resort.

A view of the dining area at Story Book Dining with Snow White at Artist Point
A view of the dining area

When entering the dining room it feels like entering an enchanted forest. There are tree branches over our heads and lights that look like lanterns. And on our table is a royal invitation to our dinner adventure. The kids also get their own menus with crayons.

Story Book Dining Appetizers

This kids each get their own appetizer called From the Garden. The plate comes with a roll and honey butter, fruit and cheese, and raw vegetables with ranch to dip. The appetizer is perfect for the kids.

From the Garden kids appetizer
From the Garden kids appetizer

The appetizers for the adults are shared and come out together. Our server puts them in the center of the table with built-in stands that also resemble tree stumps. And we each can pick from 3 different plates.

Wild mushroom bisque at Story Book Dining with Snow White
Wild mushroom bisque

One plate has little crocks of wild mushroom bisque with chive oil. Another plate has 3 meatballs supposed to be the Hunter’s Pie. And the last plate is a shrimp cocktail with Bloody Mary vinaigrette. We each grab one and pass it around, but the kids also want some. So we ask our server to bring more.

Meatballs and shrimp appetizers
Meatballs and shrimp appetizers

You can order extra of any of the appetizers until you’re satisfied. The mushroom soup was delicious. And a couple more meatballs and shrimp and we are good.

Story Book Dining Entrees

For the kid’s entrees, they can choose grilled chicken or fish, or prime rib and 2 side dishes. And for the adults we have 7 options including chicken, fish and prime rib. There’s also a pork shank, beef stroganoff and a couple vegan options. The guys choose the prime rib with horseradish-mashed potatoes and carrots. And the ladies choose the “Cottage” beef stroganoff with beef, vegetables and mushrooms in spätzle with cheese.

Prime Rib at Story Book Dining with Snow White
Prime Rib at Story Book Dining

The kids enjoy grilled chicken with their 2 sides. It’s plenty of food for them as are our entrees. The prime rib is fantastic, and it even comes with Yorkshire pudding. And the mashed potatoes are excellent. The stroganoff is also very good with tender beef in a flavorful sauce. Though the prime rib is the star of the menu and I’d gladly order it again.

Story Book Dining Desserts

Kids do not get separate options, so we all get to sample the same 3 desserts. Our server brings them out on trays and puts them in the middle of our table just like the appetizers. She has 3 plates, this time with 5 desserts each. And Becky gets her own plate of 3 similar desserts, but are allergy-friendly options.

Trio of desserts at Story Book Dining at Artist Point with Snow White
Trio of desserts

The one that draws our eye immediately are the “Poison” Apples with a dark chocolate mousse and sour center. They are red balls with a chocolate leaf on top. The Miner’s Treasures are cookies and cream panna cotta treats with additional chocolate gems on the plate. And the last are Fairy Tale Gooseberry Tarts with meringue.

Poison Apples at Story Book Dining
Poison Apples at Story Book Dining

The poison apples are not only visually appealing, but the chocolate mousse is delicious. The sour center is not overpowering, but instead gives it a little something extra. The panna cotta is also rich and delicious and chocolatey. The gooseberry tarts however taste similar to apple pies, but slightly different. We can also order more of any if we still have room. But there’s one more dessert our server brings us.

The Hunter’s Gift to the Queen at Story Book Dining with Snow White
The Hunter’s Gift to the Queen

She brings a chest on a tray and opens it. Inside we just see smoke, but she uses tongs to grab a heart-shaped chocolate. This dessert is called the Hunter’s Gift to the Queen. The presentation is great, though it’s basically a chocolate heart for each of us. Still, it’s a neat way to end our dinner, and we still get to see the Evil Queen.

The Evil Queen

After dinner, we receive a royal decree requesting our presence by her majesty, The Queen. We inform our server we are annual passholders to get out discount, then settle the bill. And then we walk over to where the Queen is in the middle of the dining room.

The Evil Queen at Story Book Dining
The Evil Queen

Here is a Disney photographer, and we get the opportunity to get multiple pictures of all of us. This is great because we have PhotoPass with our annual pass and get the photos for free. If you don’t have it, you can get a card to load the photos on your Disney app. And from there you can purchase the ones you want.

Us with the Evil Queen
Us with the Evil Queen

Not only is this the one place in Disney World you can see the Evil Queen, but she is great. She constantly has an indifferent look on her face, and orders us to do different poses. We really love any PhotoPass opportunities, but this is a unique experience you can only get here. And it was a fun way to end our Story Book Dining with Snow White experience.


Our Story Book Dining at Artist Point dinner with Snow White took about 1.5 hours. And afterwards we walked it off by going around this wonderful resort. Having dinner reservations at a resort seems even more special because you get to spend time there. Whether it’s walking around, just hanging out in the lobby or shopping, there’s always something to do. But this dinner experience alone was worth the trip. Everyone enjoyed the food, it was delicious and plentiful. The restaurant was wonderfully themed and tied in with the characters, most of which you can only see here. And the characters are what make it special. We really enjoyed our time here and would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a special dining experience.

Check out more of our Disney adventures here!

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